Real English Conversation - 8 : Birthday party

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Joseph: This party is going to be big. What do you think we should wear?
Diana: I was thinking of wearing my black dress. What about you?
Joseph: I was thinking of wearing my navy blue suit. Do you think that's too formal?
Diana: No, I think that would be perfect for the occasion.
Joseph: What gift do you think we should get for Harry's friend?
Diana: How about a toy car? I heard he likes playing with them.
Joseph: That's a good idea. Do you think we should get anything else to go with it?
Diana: Maybe a book or a coloring set?
Joseph: Sounds good. Let's go to the toy store and pick those up.
Diana: Okay, but let's make sure we don't get anything too expensive.
Joseph: Definitely. We don't want to spend too much money on a gift.
Diana: Agreed. Let's keep it simple but thoughtful.
Joseph: While we're at it, do you want to get some chocolates for the party?
Diana: Sure, we can pick up a box of assorted chocolates.
Joseph: Sounds good. We should also check if there are any dietary restrictions we should be aware of.
Diana: Good point. Let's check with the parents before we buy anything.
Joseph: Do you think we should bring anything else to the party?
Diana: Maybe some balloons or decorations?
Joseph: That's a good idea. Let's pick up a few balloons on the way to the party.
Diana: And we can also make a card for Harry's friend.
Joseph: That's a great idea. We can make it a fun activity with Harry.
Diana: Yes, and he can draw something on the card too.
Joseph: Harry seems really excited for the party.
Diana: Yes, he's been talking about it all week.
Joseph: I'm glad he's making friends at school.
Diana: Me too. It's good to see him enjoying himself.
Joseph: Do you think we should bring a camera to the party?
Diana: Yes, we should take some pictures to remember the occasion.
Joseph: Agreed. It's going to be a fun day.
Diana: Yes, I'm looking forward to it.
What gift do Joseph and Diana plan to buy for Harry's friend?
What color is Diana's dress for the party?
What do Joseph and Diana plan to buy at the toy store?
What else do Joseph and Diana plan to bring to the party?
What does Joseph think of Harry's friendships at school?
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